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dana schreef op 22-07 om 20:21
hello im 10 years and I want by later a doctor from baby's and pregnant and other things do you no that your baby on the world can kom which dolphin's
nl hoi ik ben tien jaar en ik wil later een verloskundige,gynacoloog,kraamversorgster en wist je dat je baby met dolfijnen op de wereld kan komen [een bevalling met dolfijnen erbij] dit schijn heerlijk te zijn en pijnloos
Ot1ss schreef op 12-04 om 18:52
Personally, I think that single people in our time should not be very upset and instead, it is better to start actively communicating and getting to know each other on the Internet on dating sites. It really helps, especially if you want to find love. Try site. I think you should definitely try it and it's worth it, I'm sure you won't regret it.
Max schreef op 12-04 om 18:40
I haven't met anyone for a long time. would like to change this. What is the best way to meet and start a relationship right now?
sienjo schreef op 21-02 om 08:43
You look great in the photo)) This is a rare quality. I understand that everything is fine in your personal life now. But if that changes then you can always find new relationships if you visit web-site. I myself found my soul mate on a dating site. This is great for those who have kids and don't have a lot of time.